First Post Ever

17 January, 2014

First blog post ever.

After much scheduling and time management I have finally made my first blog.

The aim of this blog is not going to be to change your life or provide you with a resource for technical content. It's going to be more than that. It will be my personal journal that will help me document my opinions along with my work.

To start off, this blog is made in Jekyll. To be honest I hadn't heard of Jekyll before until I set up the site with GitHub pages. However, once I looked into it, I found that it made life much easier for static site generation. You just write out your blog posts in html or markdown and you let Jekyll do all the heavy lifting of inserting and placing it in your layout. On top of that it allows you to insert Ruby snippets to set up the page dynamically.

I still have to develop the site more until I get the final design but for now the basics are complete.

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© Jasmeet Oberai 2020. This site is served by Gatsby and is hosted on GitHub